Friendswood Oaks' Key Documents
This page provides a listing and links to all the Texas State Legislation required documents to be posted by the Homeowners’ Association (HOA). There are presently four categories/groupings of these documents, which are: Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws, Deed Restrictions/Covenants (DCCR), Plat Maps, and Policies & Resolutions. A document that has an 'Unofficial Copy' watermark across it, is one that is downloaded from the Harris County Clerk's online files. An asterisk * means that the document/information is a draft and/or not yet recorded in the Harris County Clerk's Office.
Note: Click on the 'underlined link' below and to return, click on the 'Back Arrow' on the upper left menu bar.
Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws
Deed Restrictions & Covenants (DCCR)
ACC - Architectural Guidelines - Nov 12 - 2018
Plat Maps
Policies & Resolutions (No recorded documents yet)